Celebrating Our Community of Supporters
The LSO is a community-supported orchestra, and your commitment is essential to our success. We invite you to support your orchestra through tax-deductible annual donations. By attending our concerts and contributing regularly you are making an investment in music performance and music education for our community, now and for generations to come.
Noteworthy Society
Quarter Note Society / $100 and above
- Recognition in season program book
- Voting privileges at LSO Annual Meeting
Half Note Society / $300 and above
- All of the above, plus complimentary access to an open MasterWorks rehearsal
- May 7
Whole Note Society / $600 and above
- All of the above, plus gift certificate for two tickets to a MasterWorks or Chamber concert of your choice
Maestro Society
Conductor Circle / $1,250 and above
- All of the above, plus invitation to pre-concert donor lounge reception at each MasterWorks and Pops concert
Composer Circle / $2,500 and above
- All of the above, plus parking pass for all MasterWorks and Pops concerts
- Signed poster from the concert of your choice (upon request)
Musician Circle / $3,500 and above
- All of the above, plus opportunity to sponsor an Assistant Principal orchestra chair
- Invitation to annual Chair Sponsorship Reception
Musician Circle / $5,000 and above
- Opportunity to sponsor a Principal orchestra chair or a concert plus all the benefits of Composer Circle
- Invitation to annual Chair Sponsorship Reception
Concertmaster Circle / $10,000 and above
- Opportunity to sponsor a Concertmaster's orchestra chair plus all the benefits of Composer Circle
- Invitation to annual lunch with Maestro Muffitt
How To Give
Give a gift online at any time using a credit card.
Call us at (517) 487-5001
Make check out to Lansing Symphony Orchestra.
Mail or deliver check to:
Lansing Symphony Orchestra
104 S. Washington Sq., Ste. 300
Lansing, MI 48933
Make your gift to the Lansing Symphony work twice as hard! If you are employed by one of the more than 900 companies across the country which match their employees' contributions to non-profit organizations, your gift could double in value. Participating in your company's Matching Gift program is very simple.
First, contact your Human Resources Office for eligibility requirements and to obtain a Matching Gift form. (Remember, many companies also match the gifts of retirees, spouses, surviving spouses, and outside directors.)
Second, fill out the employee portion of the form completely.
Third, send the form to:
Lansing Symphony Orchestra
104 S. Washington Sq., Suite 300
Lansing, MI 48933
If you are uncertain whether your employer will match your gift to the LSO, check with your company's Human Resource Office or please don't hesitate to contact us at (517) 487-5001.
Please view our Gustav Meier Legacy Society page for details.